Alfredo Maglione elected President of the Committee of the Informatics and Digital Technologies Section of Confindustria Trento
The Assembly of the brand new IT and digital technologies section of Confindustria Trento yesterday elected the members of the Section Committee, as well as its President. For the latter position, the CEO of the Optoi Group, Alfredo Maglione, former President of the Innovative and Technological Services Section of Confindustria Trento was chosen; he will be joined by Pompeo Viganò as vice president.
«I am honored by this election and above all by the trust of my colleagues and entrepreneur colleagues, who every day make Trentino a more innovative, dynamic and technologically competitive territory - is the comment of the president of the Optoi Group -. I am sure that all together we will be able to make a useful and concrete contribution to businesses and our community, aware that today information technology, digital technologies and innovation in general are the main way to guarantee well-being and employment, and to grow by overcoming the many complex challenges of our days ".
«I am honored by this election and above all by the trust of my colleagues and entrepreneur colleagues, who every day make Trentino a more innovative, dynamic and technologically competitive territory - is the comment of the president of the Optoi Group -. I am sure that all together we will be able to make a useful and concrete contribution to businesses and our community, aware that today information technology, digital technologies and innovation in general are the main way to guarantee well-being and employment, and to grow by overcoming the many complex challenges of our days ".

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